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CDButton is a Deskbar enabled CD player control. Download the Intel x86 binary and PowerPC binary here.
Full source code can be downloaded here. The code illustrates how to write a replicant, place it into the Deskbar, control a CD player and implement some exotic controls. The code uses the latest SCSI/IDE device API's and are the recommended way of implementing a CD player for BeOS.

 HexDump translator

HexDumpTranslator makes it easy to convert bitmaps into hex data that can be inserted into your code. Kind of like craw but much better - you may drag&drop or save hex dumps directly from ShowImage or any other Translation kit enabled app. Enclosed source illustrates how to write a very simple translator. Thanks to Nathan Schrenk who fixed it up a bunch. Download here. (16k, full source code, x86 and ppc binaries included.)

 Links to cool BeOS software from other publishers

Postmaster - the ultimate mail client for BeOS.
Gobe Productive - the cool integrated office app for BeOS.
NetPenguin - great FTP client for BeOS.

© 1999 Pavel Císler
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